Earth-Science Reviews aims to familiarize all geologists with recent advances in the earth sciences. Covering a much wider field than the usual specialist journals, it allows the reader to see his particular interest related to the earth sciences as a whole. Because of the breadth and depth of its approach to subjects of current interest, the journal is an important vehicle of information gathering for instructors; students; research scientists; government agencies involved in programme support and management and in environmental assessment and control; private industries concerned with planetary resources and the independent consultant. EARTH SCIENCE REVIEWS - the publication medium for review articles in earth sciences. Authors benefits: no restriction on the length of your reviewrapid publicationno page chargesfold outs freeone page of colour free50 free reprints per reviewpayment of US$ 200 upon publication of your articles, plusUS$ 5 per printed pagethe abstract is included in our contents-alerting service - SEDAbstractsworldwide distribution of your review through many indexing and abstracting servicesReady to submit? You can either send a proposal (one page description of your planned review) or three copies of your complete review article to: Mr. Timothy Horscroft Earth-Science Reviews Editorial Office P.O.Box 1930 1000 BX Amsterdam The Netherlands e mail:t.horscroft@elsevier.nl